L'Oreal Men Expert Hydra Energetic Wake-Up Effect Face Wash review

L’Oreal Men Expert have a huge range of men’s grooming products, from skincare to hair and beard care, and everything in between. I’ve chosen their Hydra Energetic Wake-Up Effect Face Wash and put it through it’s paces.


Who doesn’t want a fresh feeling face first thing in morning? L’Oreal and their Men Expert Hydra Energetic range aim to fulfil that. This face wash claims to refresh the skin, deep clean and purify without leaving your skin feeling tight. It’s also enriched guarana and vitamin C.

It foams up very well, and feels good on the skin. There is a definite cooling feeling which it partly down to the guarana – a natural source of caffeine – and menthol which makes an appearance in the list of ingredients.

After drying my face, my skin felt smooth, clean and – you’ve guessed it – fresh. Mission accomplished. It’s got that fresh and familiar L’Oreal fragrance too.

After leaving it for a good few hours without any moisturiser there was no greasiness and my skin still felt clean and comfortable.

At £5 for 100ml it’s a bit of a bargain and at time of writing you’ll find it on Boots.com and in-store for half price!

The addition of menthol, which in my opinion is the main reason it gives that cooling feeling is a bit of a cheat, but it does work to give you a extra kick in your morning wake up routine.

All in all, a very capable and good value face wash.

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OVERALL: 8.5/10